Monday, March 12, 2012

I Can See Key West from Here

At roughly 6000 feet, Machu Picchu is certainly not the highest elevation in the world, but it is surely among the highest locations spiritually. Even if you don't necessarily find God here, you might find yourself in this thin place, as defined by NY Times writer Eric Weiner: mesmerizing for sure, with less than six degrees of separation between heaven and earth,..

Huffing and puffing thin air, standing at the edge of sheer cliffs and contemplating ancient architecture, you have to be brain dead not to rethink past, present and future possibilities. The following photos say a lot about the essence of place and politics, surrounded by the myth and mystery of mankind, but I'd be hard pressed to say that one picture is worth a thousand words. Of course, a thousand words on Machu Picchi may be forthcoming.

Huanyna Picchu is probably the world's most recognized mountain peak amidst Vilcabamba, one of the most unknown mountain ranges in Peru's Andes.

Architecture worthy of gods; its stones so carefully cut and stacked, knife blades can't slip between joints

A city for all times; at least 500 years' worth

Contemplating the universe

Tom contemplating the Sacred Valley

Chinchilla contemplating dinner

Antique terraces Inca style for gardening and agriculture; the economic base

Park rangers maintaining structures in Machu Picchu... 

Because Patchamama's seedlings are ever present..

the before...

and after!

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